Holistic Astrology’s Message: You’re Much More Than Your Sun Sign


” We have already been given everything we need; our task is to assemble it and use it in the appropriate way. Nothing is meaningful as long as we perceive only separate fragments. But as soon as the fragments come together into a synthesis, a new entity emerges, whose nature we could not have foreseen by considering the fragments alone.”

-Piero Ferrucci from “What We May Be”

As I progress through my astrological career, here’s one of the most perplexing themes that I’ve noticed: on the whole, as a society we don’t give ourselves anywhere near the credit we deserve for our depth, complexity and for the multi-dimensional facets of our humanness.

In fact, some of us even appear to prefer labels; to be put into nice comfortable boxes complete with a “kit” full of goodies that we need to embody that pre-packaged persona. Let’s just call this the fast food version of self-expression. Shall we?

Well….this leads me to another question? Do we “do” labels in order to evade the vulnerability contained in what we deem as the “lesser” parts of our being? Do we say: yes, just put me in that box- quick! No one will even think of my challenges in other areas? So, then we quickly become “secure”/”insecure” ; “rational”/”intuitive”, “homebodies”/”travelers”, “conscious”/”unconscious, “intelligent/”ignorant”, when the truth is, we are ALL of these, just to a greater or a lesser degree.

So, where does astrology fit into the picture? When someone asks the famous cocktail party question: “what’s your sign?” What they’re referring to is known as our sun sign.

Usually, those who are unfamiliar with the reality of an entire birth chart would answer the question and proceed to talk a bit about some descriptive words they read on a zodiac poster, or a paper weight in their co-workers office. If you who are reading this fall into that category, I applaud you.

The fact that you’re even on this web page tells me that you think there’s much more to what you read on that Pisces t-shirt and Capricorn bumper sticker. And guess what?? You are most certainly correct.

When used irresponsibly and not as a tool for spiritual and psychological growth, astrology runs the risk of being reduced to a “one size fits all”, static classification system rather than recognized as the rich, expansive symbolic art which gives life to potentials and possibilities and is fortified with depth and meaning through synthesis.

These observations are by no means designed to discount the importance of sun signs within the totality of our birth charts. In fact, it is essential that we honor our suns, for the mastery of the energies represented by our sun signs are imperative to our spiritual evolution. There is, however a danger that we must be aware of which is stated so eloquently by Ferruci:

” This realization leads us to consider perhaps the greatest and most common of all dangers: one-sidedness. Were we to develop only one part of our being to the exclusion of all others- be it the body, or feelings, or “spirit”, or what have you-that part would be invested with a power it doesn’t deserveIt could become demonic and make of us limited and perhaps, even fanatical beings.”

In addition to our Sun sign, which symbolizes our individuality, we must integrate our Moon sign, which speaks to our emotional life, intuition and our deepest needs. Our Mercury sign, which illustrates how we thinkand communicate. Our Venus sign, which testifies to the manner in which we express our enjoyment and appreciation of the pleasures of life. Also, how we relate to our fellow human beings. 

Our Mars sign, which is all about taking action, asserting ourselves and sexual expression. Our Jupiter sign that indicates how we believe, have faith, express our philosophies and find meaning. Saturn’s sign in our birth chart lends it’s expression to how we exert our authorityspend our time and exercise discipline and responsibility.

While the outer planets: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, are generational by sign placement, they are still very important based on what houses they inhabit and the aspects they make to personal planets. All of these planets insist on inclusion.

So, yes ladies and gentlemen, this is our lifetime homework. To take these parts and successfully weave them into a functioning whole working at it’s optimum level and exercising it’s full potential.

Lastly, Ferruci states:

” When it is balanced and healthy, human growth proceeds in all directions: it looks like an expanding sphere rather than a straight line. It is for precisely this reason that psychosynthesis endeavors to take into consideration all the dimensions of human life which truly matter and which, if left unacknowledged, lead to a fragmented, even absurd existence.”

This statement applies directly to my astrological philosophy. Like Amerie, that “1 Thing” mentality has got me trippin’, too.

Photo by nappy from Pexels

4 thoughts on “Holistic Astrology’s Message: You’re Much More Than Your Sun Sign

  1. Love your description of Saturn. It has a positive spin. Too often we hear of Saturn as fear, insecurity and limits. Thanks for the balance.

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