Saturn Transits To The Moon : “Emotional Boundaries”


When transiting Saturn makes contact with the Moon, themes of emotional boundaries, limitation and taking responsibility for one’s feelings are highlighted. What’s being asked of you, especially during this time, is to face reality- as well as any of your fears concerning what you need to be emotionally fulfilled.  Also, you’re being called to re-organize your response patterns and gain maturity in doing so.

One of the lessons to be learned from this passage is that feeling differently from those you may be close to, through familial ties or intimate relationships, doesn’t indicate a flaw in your character. It simply establishes the boundaries on how you experience the world versus how others do.

You may speculate that stating your feelings about what matters to you, in an authentic manner is subject to alienate you from others, and you’re right. However, this isn’t a period of time where you succumb to the whims of other people, no matter how close they are or claim to be.

Optimally, Saturn-Moon transits suggest a time of accepting responsibility for the model of the heart you’re creating with no apologies. Honesty and REAL responses can now fuel your growth toward construction of a life experience that’s more robust.

You have the potential to clear out any clutter which binds you to a painful past, whether that includes bitter resentment concerning the family, or harsh treatment from someone you ‘ve confided in and lowered your defenses for.

You may realize that what you need isn’t as complicated as you once thought, and your first inclination may be to criticize yourself for this, thinking that you lack depth. This is not the case. If anything, there’s an indication that you’re making an effort to cut through neurosis and stabilize your existence.

These transits illicit questions of trust: ‘Do I trust myself?” “Whom can I bear my intimate feelings to?”

In matters of love, you’re being challenged to negotiate feelings of giving too much and receiving too little. A ruthless inquiry to examine whether or not a scarcity mentality is present may be appropriate. Understand that there’s enough affection to go around for everyone in this world, and the urge to cajole, force or control to create the illusion of that will surely backfire sooner or later.

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