Venus in Libra : “All in Love is Fair”


For those with Venus placed in Libra natally, Love is sharing, cooperation and true partnership. Love is Beautiful. Love is the enjoyment of mutually stimulating activities. Love is “US”. Love is having everything in just the right place. Love is constant evaluation. Love is mutual grace. Love is peace.

Being interested is a way of life and this automatically leads the Venus in Libra native to be regarded as interesting to others. There’s a penchant for comparison with “the other half ” through viewpoints,counterpoints, weighing and evaluation.

In essence, the Venus in Libra person is discovering where they stand via human interaction. While some people like to socialize just for the hell of it, those with this placement are viewing the process of fraternizing more as a portal for SELF knowledge and awareness.

As I’ve said before : being born with a specific placement doesn’t automatically make you a certain way or cause you to exhibit specific behaviors. The “balance” that’s associated with the scales and Libra isn’t inherent. rather, this placement offers a lifetime course in equilibrium studies.

Where venusian themes are concerned, these folks have Libra as an “instructor”.Libra teaches that sometimes extremes are necessary to arrive at the point of balance. This applies both to living and the world of ideas.

This reminds me of an African proverb i once read which basically said when you bend a stick far enough in one direction, you have to bend it equally far in the other direction in order to make it straight again.

Venus in Libra folks are learning the practice of having to “pull on both ends” in their life in order to locate and maintain their center. so, they find themselves vacillating between frequent periods of socialization (in order to evaluate) and isolation (in order to process).

Both Taurus and Libra are Venus ruled signs and associated with the creation and maintenance of value, but with slightly different areas of focus. While Venus in Taurus is learning the art of creating & increasing value via partnerships, Venus in Libra is learning the importance of balancing the art of active participation in relationships with valuing oneself outside of the framework of the “other’s” evaluation.

A portion of the education for this placement rests in the understanding that it’s essential to be the one that emphatically and solidly places their “price tag” on themselves, in stark contrast to putting power in the hands of someone else to appraise their worth as a person.

If this isn’t done successfully, you’ll experience feelings of animosity that you’re only as “good” or “valuable” as what you can do for others. However, if the lesson is learned and internalized, you become a shining example of someone who shares themselves and  their resources ON THEIR OWN TERMS,  ONLY which are equitable to you.

Those with Venus in Libra are learning justice as it relates to themselves. With the inclination to forever explore what’s on “the other side of the tracks” as a display of non- judgment, they can easily disregard themselves in the process, negating the “fair shake” they most certainly need.

Speaking of “fair shakes”, fair & equal are the terms that i would use to describe the model of what those with this placement are seeking in their personal relationships. Although they realize all compromises aren’t of a 50/50 nature, the mutual trust & respect must be present.

It goes a long way in the development of the individuals with this placement to be able to learn to state their intellectual, emotional,  and sexual needs and desires unequivocally; to internalize the understanding that this is a form NOT of selfishness, but rather the VALUING of oneself.

If you have Venus placed in Libra in your chart, your theme song is “All in Love is Fair” by Stevie Wonder. You can listen here:

Photo by Junior Karrick DJIKOUNOU from Pexels

3 thoughts on “Venus in Libra : “All in Love is Fair”

  1. Hi!
    I love your posts and thoughts, not to mention the perfect music! I’m relating with a woman where in our composite chart we have 2 kites. Neptune conjunct North Node in the twelfth house is the focal point in both kites. If I were to consult with you can you please explain? In chart comparison her Uranus sits right on my sun and my Uranus opposes her Venus this feels incredible but its hard, but unbreakable. Thank you.

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