Developmental Lessons for Virgo: “Correct Techniques”

Virgo Glow

” A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault.” – John Henry Newman

When the Sun’s passage through Leo is officially over, and the warmth and radiation of the limelight gives way to Virgo’s claim, We immerse ourselves in the harvest.

Like the energy which surrounds the Virgin, this time is ripe with certainty, but minimal fanfare. Virgo presents an offering of humility in order to balance the elements of the ego, which are ever-present in the previous sign, Leo. On a collective level, the process of order and refinement of the personality is necessary.

The Symbolism

Let’s deal with first things first.

We must address the notion that the Virgin, which symbolizes Virgo, is some holy rolling, chasteanal-retentive prude who scoffs at rings on their glass tables because of no coasters. Somehow, astrological writing has regressed to lower Virgo down to a habitual dust buster and lint picker of the celestial variety.

When something is in its virgin state, it’s pure and natural. It hasn’t been tampered with. It’s unexplored, uncultivated, in its raw form.  This can certainly apply to sexual intercourse, but our beings encompass such a vast variety of possibilities than just this one act.

Virginity ultimately symbolizes someone or something seeking to happen to the world for the first time.

So many choices and options minus the infiltration from society. A tabula rasa seeking experience.

Some of you reading this passage are 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 years old.

This in no way means that you cannot continuously keep happening to the universe. Whatever you are doing, every time has the potential to be as if it’s your first.

Whether it’s physical, spiritual, emotional or psychological, your virginity is something that you can perpetually renew and reclaim.

The Virgo Curriculum

A significant part of Virgo’s life purpose is that of using one’s powers of discrimination to separate the true from the false and promote overall health of body, mind and spirit via the process of analysis.

The ultimate goal is more efficient functioning in whatever area you decide to employ your powers.

This process starts within and lasts a lifetime.

The advanced portion of the Virgo curriculum consists of refining and perfecting parts of themselves which they can ultimately offer up as gifts and service on an individual and a collective level. 

How well Virgo is able to perform this task is directly related to how highly their faculties of intellectual separation are activated in order to discern the beneficial from the detrimental.

The Virgo Toolbox

When viewing the whole and dissecting the parts via the intellect, Virgo has no equal. They may be rivaled by Scorpio in their ability to analyze with a fine tooth comb, but we’re talking about two different methods here. While Scorpio applies their instinctual, gut level knowledge, Virgo primarily relies on its mental faculties and acute powers of observation leaving no stone unturned.

The potential to develop an orderly mind and life is certainly available to the Virgin if they’re willing to put in the work to realize and harness these powers.

In addition, Virgo potential lies in have the uncanny ability to assess a situation, serving as a cosmic “efficiency expert” and immediately making it better. To natives of this Sun sign (and other personal planets) to serve is not demeaning, rather it’s the highest form of ingenuity bestowed upon the individual or group of their choices. More than anything, Virgo wants to be useful.

The Virgo Trash Can

What can Virgo afford to throw away?

over analysis and the tendency to “fix” others.

The maxim: “over analysis leads to paralysis” must have been coined for Virgo. Every gift is a curse in equal proportion, as the keen talent for critical thinking, when unchecked, can prove to be enormously stultifying to their ability to take action. 

One of the most important evolutionary lessons for Virgo is: conditions are what you make them. There is no such thing as a perfect time to do anything.

In regard to the low-end Virgo tendency to try to fix others, the virgin must be clear on what they mean by the statement: “he/she has potential.”

An appropriate question may be: does this “potential” consist of becoming a higher quality and more integrated version of what they already are? Or, a carefully calculated hodge-podge of assigned traits which will enhance my selfish motives? Thereby leading to a counterfeit psychological satisfaction.

For a more elaborate illustration I suggest viewing the film “The Shape of Things” starring Paul Rudd and Rachel Weisz.

A Brief Word on Virgo’s and Relationships

When Virgo energy is operating at its highest in the sphere of intimate relationships, there’s unlimited potential.  Loyalty, practical gestures of kindness, and unwavering support are commonplace themes.

The need to somehow pick the other person apart and build another version to suit each other’s liking is severely minimized. The individuals involved have devised a system which fosters the pursuit of collective excellence rather than a pie in the sky, illusory perfection.

What concerns them most is that they’re “perfect” for each other. They have learned the art of successful navigation, accepting their own shortcomings, while allowing their partner the space to find a healthy spot to let their imperfections breathe.

I will leave you with a quote by an unknown author which I hope serves you well:

“No one is perfect. That’s why pencils have erasers.”                


15 thoughts on “Developmental Lessons for Virgo: “Correct Techniques”

  1. Woooo! While my Sun is in Aries my Rising Sign is in Virgo so I really relate to this. I’m definitely the person who *thinks* she sees the all angles so I’m guilty of overanalyzing myself in paralysis. I also find a conflict with wanting to “serve” but then thinking what about me because others aren’t as emotionally invested in it. I have lots to work on. With all that said good work! I really enjoyed reading this.

    1. hey!!! thanks for reading it, and i’m glad it resonated with you. i always encourage people to read about the energy of the sign – PERIOD, if you have it in your chart. this definitely applies to virgo sun’s, moon’s + risings and even those w/ personal planets (mercury, venus, mars) in virgo. thanks again and it’s always a pleasure to see you visiting the blog.

  2. Love this! It’s such a lovingly balanced view of the Virgo spirit! Few people are able to see us clearly. You certainly do. Great perspective! My Virgo heart is pleased.

  3. As a woman composed of fire and earth (Virgo Sun and Moon, Asending Leo, and Midheaven Taurus), this was well written and truly appreciated by the ones that are often misunderstood, us Virgos. I appreciate you.

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