Sagittarius Sun, Aquarius Moon : “I Break Chains All By Myself”


” Freedom is not an ideal located outside of man; nor is it an idea which becomes myth. It is rather the indispensable condition for the quest for human completion.” – Paulo Freire

When a Sagittarius Sun and Aquarius Moon meet up in a birth chart, the ideal blending of the truth seeker and the revolutionary emerges.In fact, you would be hard pressed to find many other cosmic combinations which prize independence just as enthusiastically.

I find it quite interesting that on a basic level, the Sun in Sagittarius is propelled by the freedom TO, while the Aquarius Moon has a reigning need for freedom FROM.

In Sagittarius, we are introduced to the philosophically minded truth seeker, the explorer of life’s highest, most ancient insights. The solar fuel which ignites the archer suggests the desire to be illuminated in the most authentic sense.

Sagittarians want to know.

The archer is driven by the freedom to search high and low for anything which will provide a more expansive view on the world in which they live. No city, state, country, library, bar or seedy venue is off limits. The centaur simply looks at these as the branches of the same tree. They put the pieces together accordingly and then promptly synthesize them into a comprehensive understanding of the big picture.

The Moon in Aquarius uses the questing, exploratory fuel provided by Sagittarius to form a personality which has an emotional need to combat and dismantle the trappings of societal and cultural conditioning.

The Lunar water bearer desires freedom FROM.

independence from the stultifying, mind-numbing  propaganda and doctrines which are passed off as “education”. Freedom from familial settings where they’re labeled the “black sheep”, because Aquarian Moons carry around a totally different idea about what’s “normal“.

In fact, they find it quite puzzling (and irritating) that the definers of this “normalcy” use THEIR OWN BEHAVIOR as the standard, as if this lends itself to credibility.

Ultimately, the message of your life is that you can’t hide or run from the TRUTH of your own being. If you’re feeling strange or extraterrestrial- GOOD.  Teach us and show us how to work that on earth. Be an example of  the beautiful weirdo. Customize your existence. Blaze that trail.

Your theme song is: “Freedom ” by Beyonce featuring Kendrick Lamar

You can listen here:


Photo by Rakicevic Nenad from Pexels

9 thoughts on “Sagittarius Sun, Aquarius Moon : “I Break Chains All By Myself”

  1. Couldn’t be nearer to the truth there. Reading that was more like a calling and feeling my inner core amongst the noise.. Sagittarius/Capricorn Cusp and Aquarian Moon with Scorpio Rising 😀

      1. I’m looking for Capricorn too, do u have a link? .. The Sagittarius in me is very explorative, the Aquarian impulsive and the Capricorn is authoritarian saying.. ‘no u can’t!’ .. Nice I was recommended your blog from Grandtrines! 😀

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