Cancer Sun, Scorpio Moon


Emotional honesty is your pathway to internal security.

You possess massive potential to provide an unassailable haven for others to heal. It’s one of your callings to be the purveyor of the message that it may take “death” to sustain life.

There’s a tremendous gift of psychological insight contained within this solar/lunar blend. Also, an astounding responsibility in handling human emotional resources .

For those of us who view the Cancerian vibe as strictly “meek and mild”, we should think again.

This crab has a stinger.

It may be skillfully concealed, but when activated,  you will know doubt feel the potency of its existence. The “water” of which this combination is comprised of isn’t tepid from the tap, but rather supercharged H2O infused with minerals of intensity and passion.

Your combination suggests that an intimate connection to people and situations is a priority, even if the feeling isn’t reminiscent of the “clean cut” sound of a barber shop quartet. For you, the sincere acknowledgement and authentic expression of emotion looms large.

Your life force is fueled through creating a sense of safety in the world. Having confidence in your chosen method of self-protection which you use to intuitively navigate the undercurrents of human feeling. This is reflected in a personality that needs to eliminate any internal patterns of toxicity which may put you “under siege”, or activate fears of having your vulnerability exploited.

You must control through knowing; through keen, instinctual awareness of the human condition. Probably better than anyone, you realize that although it’s bright and sunny, life can also be murky, cloudy- and as dark as midnight.

Release is a central theme in your life. Burning within is the hunger for an avenue to channel the conundrum of volcanic emotional energy.

Serving others as a trusted agent in their process of transformation certainly qualifies as a productive use of your powers.

Dysfunctionally, you indiscriminately strip others “butt naked” and flip open the gates of exposure and call it “truth”, ignoring the enormous subjectivity of your lenses. Realize that this can cause not only harm to the person (or people) involved, but also to YOU.

Understand that in those precious moments, you may have betrayed your heart’s natural sense of empathy and the innate sensitivity which draws other people to you like a magnet. Preserving those gifts is an absolute key to your well being.

Acute and penetrating perception can forever be your ally. How you choose to wield a sword that cuts both ways will ultimately help write your life script.

Tender and caring incisions at the precise point of pain may be a strategy that’s well worth considering.

Your theme song is “Bloodstream” by Stateless. You can listen to it right here:

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

10 thoughts on “Cancer Sun, Scorpio Moon

  1. You wrote:” The “water” of which this combination is comprised of isn’t tepid from the tap, but rather supercharged H2O infused with minerals of intensity and passion.”

    Could this also be said about the combination of a Scorpio rising and Cancer moon (albeit in different roles and taking sun sign into account)? The sensitivity and “warm fuzzy” is definitely there, but so is all the passion, too!
    Again, just love your blog!

    1. thank you for reading!! absolutely. the focus would just be slightly different. scorpio rising suggests that the intensity would be channeled into the lens we use to process experience, while the cancer moon would be linked with the needs for warmth, sensitivity, tenderness and emotional connection. I always appreciate you visiting the blog and always look forward to your comments.

  2. Ok this is kind of me since I’m Cancer sun and Scorpio moon but I’m also a Sagittarius rising so what does it add to this sun/moon combination?

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