Taurus Sun, Taurus Moon, Cancer Rising

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Life’s Mission: To create and sustain a solid sense of self through the utilization of a sacred space designed to process one’s feelings. Becoming a “rock” for oneself and serving as a “container” of physical and emotional well-being for others.

In order to use this astrological signature for constructive personal development, one must strongly consider exploring themes tied to emotional, physical and material security. Two of the ever-present questions that serve as a litmus test will be: “Can I trust it?” And “Does it feel safe?”

The fundamental lens through which you process experiences is founded on a goal of the constant deepening of your connection to life and others through relationships, while simultaneously creating and maintaining  a private inner space to ground and process the full gamut of emotions ranging from ecstatic elation to damning disappointment.

Not only does witnessing the unfolding of beauty, in the myriad of its forms and meanings feed your soul, it also serves as the type of fuel that you need to sustain your life’s work and vitality.  It’s important to consistently ask yourself: “Am I OK?”  As, being rooted in the NOW with your thoughts and feelings spurs optimal functioning.

Typically, you exude the type of presence which indicates an acute awareness of the feelings of other people as well as an innate receptiveness.  This is often misconstrued as an unabashed openness and you may be approached as such.  In cases like these, creating the proper boundaries and “owning” of energies between two people can’t be stressed enough.

Considering your elemental mix of earth and water and your temperamental synthesis of melancholic and phlegmatic, one of your reigning strengths lies in being both a “rock” and a vessel for others. Included in this box of resources is a generous offering of empathy, an unconditional listening response and the gift of vivid articulation of the language of the heart.  Because you’re able to excavate things from the often times crusty layers of the unconscious, it’s wise to staunchly protect your energy field. While others may be encouraged to lean on you, how heavily is a decision which has clear ramifications for you when it comes to your emotional health.

It also needs to be mentioned that when disordered, your private world carries the capability of being one not only of sheer serenity and pleasure, but also self-pity. One of the lessons you’re here to learn is that of identifying the differences between acknowledging, experiencing and DWELLING in your feelings. Even as a container, you require periodic release.

While it’s imperative for you to understand the “ebbs and flows of the tides”, how to  actively and consciously steer your ship from nostalgia to the now will prove to be a crucial part of navigating your psyche.

It can be easy for you to become stuck in the rut that says you must “keep it all together” for the sake of everyone else, but this is erroneous thinking.  Another growth catalyst is the recognition that living with the peace to which you aspire doesn’t equate with a disturbance free life. In fact, the very same forces that you deem as disruptive hold clues to something that needs to be corrected or adjusted in your life.

Metaphorically, if the “thud” of the burglar in our house in the middle of the night wasn’t heard or detected, there would be no sounding of the alarm, or the sense that someone wasn’t welcome. Thus, there would be no impetus to taking further action which could possibly save our lives.

You’re at your best when you confront your own disturbances and serve as a conduit to show others how to do the same. Projecting warmth and humanity, yet making the distinction as to where you end and where other people begin.

References: “The Well Tempered Astrologer: Using an Ancient System in Modern Astrology” (Article) by Dorian Gieseler  Greenbaum

Psychological Astrology by Glenn Perry

Photo : npr.org

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