Scorpio Sun, Pisces Moon


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Inherent within this Sun/moon blend is the potential for a synthesis of the most gentle winds and a raging hurricane.

A certain need for  spirit, nuance and delicacy fills your heart , as there’s a longing to unite with a source must greater than yourself.  Not only do you have the capacity to tap into the subtlety of  emotional undercurrents, but it also fuels your vitality to plunge into the depths; right into the heart of matters which would be considered taboo.

Unless you’re penetrating life’s mysteries, peeling away layers and removing veils to uncover  truth, you may feel like a car that’s  designed to run on high-octane fuel, but has settled for regular 87.

What you really want to do is integrate the parts of your being which deal with raw, authenticity and aspire to control the seething intensity in your gut as it bubbles up to the surface, and those which long for an ideal world. On any level, profound connections are sought. Managing inner turmoil and acute sensitivity isn’t the easiest of jobs, but someone has to do it.

What may assist you is considering the perspective that sometimes, the more we seek to impose our will, to control and to manipulate people and things, the more slippery they become in our illusory grasp.

Indeed, having a sense of “flow” is something which nourishes you at your core, but the fluidity becomes blocked when other people exclusively become the focus of your psychological scrutiny as a means to navigate the waters of your personal unconscious.

Understand that you can still use your imagination and be firmly connected to reality. You can exercise empathy toward the pain of another and still walk away, and you can swim in the deep without becoming engulfed.


8 thoughts on “Scorpio Sun, Pisces Moon

      1. The first time I read the second to last paragraph I took it as my own psychological scrutiny(that I do frequently) to navigate my own unconscious, but re-reading it I wonder if you meant as in others probing me to navigate and learn more about me…

  1. Wow that last line about being empathetic and still being able to walk away was great! I needed to hear that. Thank you. I have Scorpio sun/Pisces moon and I do resonate with the 2 levels of emotional depth and I appreciate that I have that. Thank you for the insight.

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